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born of the mystic breeze

born of the mystic breeze

40x30cm watercolour paper, watercolour, acrylic, pastel, ink

berceuse pour soraya

berceuse pour soraya

80x70cm box canvas, acrylic, oil, enamel, etc

fleeting glance-sofia 3

fleeting glance-sofia 3

45x35cm watercolour paper, watercolour, egg tempera, casein, etc



40x30cm pastel paper, pastel

vayu spellbound

vayu spellbound

30x20cm paper, pencil, charcoal

spellbound vayu 2

spellbound vayu 2

65x55cm box canvas, acrylic, oil, enamel, resins, etc

spellbound vayu 4

spellbound vayu 4

90x80cm box canvas, acylic, oil, enamel, resins, etc

spellbound vayu 3

spellbound vayu 3

100x85cm cradled panel, acrylic, oil, enamel crystal and other resins, etc

aphrodite-mystic prescence

aphrodite-mystic prescence

50x40cm box canvas, acrylic, oil, enamel, crystal resins, etc

aurora weaves her oscillating dance of light through serena's hair

aurora weaves her oscillating dance of light through serena's hair

90x70cm cradled panel, acrylic, oil, enamel, crystal and other resins, etc

mahnaz dreams silken thread vibrations into a lullaby

mahnaz dreams silken thread vibrations into a lullaby

60x50cm watercolour board, watercolour, egg tempera, ink, etc



40x30cm paper, pastel

sofia-i say a little prayer

sofia-i say a little prayer

60x50cm box canvas, acrylic, oil, enamel, etc

i say a little prayer 2

i say a little prayer 2

30x20cm watercolour board, watercolour, acrylic, egg tempera, ink, pastel

ianira enchantress

ianira enchantress

35x25cm watercolour paper, watercolour, acrylic, pastel, ink, etc

berceuse pour gaia

berceuse pour gaia

28x14cm watercolour paper, watercolour, acrylic, pastel, ink, etc



20x18cm pastel paper, pastel

katri bathing in solstice light

katri bathing in solstice light

80x65cm box canvas, acrylic, oil

mahnaz dreams silken threads of vibrations into music

mahnaz dreams silken threads of vibrations into music

60x50cm watercolour board, watercolour, acrylic, egg tempera, ink

freyja-cosmic dreamer

freyja-cosmic dreamer

50x40cm watercolour paper, watercolour, acrylic, pastel, ink, etc

distant echo of a windswept song

distant echo of a windswept song

50x30cm watercolour board. watercolour, acrylic, egg tempera

moonlight weaves stars into  astrid's hair

moonlight weaves stars into astrid's hair

50x40cm watercolour board, watercolour, acrylic, pastel, ink, etc



30x20cm paper, pastel

born of mystic vibration

born of mystic vibration

60x50cm box canvas, acrylic, oil, enamel, etc

aurora's dream of dancing light

aurora's dream of dancing light

50x40cm watercolour board, watercolour, acrylic, pastel, ink, etc

serafina 17

serafina 17

50x40cm watercolour paper, watercolour, charcoal

mystic skies in mystic eyes

mystic skies in mystic eyes

40x30cm paper, watercolour, pastel

lux aeterna for yasmina

lux aeterna for yasmina

30x20cm watercolour paper, watercolour, egg tempera, pastel

stella by starlight

stella by starlight

35x25cm watercolour paper, watercolour, acrylic, casein , pastel, ink, etc

sabeen daughter of the breeze 5

sabeen daughter of the breeze 5

35x25cm watercolour paper, watercolour, acrylic, pastel, ink



30x20cm paper, pastel



40x30cm paper, pastel

yasmine 2

yasmine 2

40x30cm canvas, acrylic, oil



30x20cm paper, pastel



40x30cm paper, pastel



30x20cm paper, pastel

commissions similar to these in all media undertaken - contact for further information

weaver of dreams - composed and performed by dennis
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