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moonlight weaves its dance of light through simona's hair

moonlight weaves its dance of light through simona's hair

80x70cm box canvas, acrylic, oil, enamel, resins, glass , gold, etc

dance the night electric 4

dance the night electric 4

50x40cm board, acrylic, egg tempera, casein, pastel, etc

le sacre du printemps 2

le sacre du printemps 2

90x80cm box canvas, acrylic, oil, enamel, resins, etc

it's a marvellous night for a moondance

it's a marvellous night for a moondance

45x35cm board, acrylic, egg tempera, casein, etc

weaving the rhythm of vibrations

weaving the rhythm of vibrations

80x70cm box canvas, acrylic, oil, enamel, etc

sidse weaves a dance of vibrating summer light

sidse weaves a dance of vibrating summer light

45x30 watercolour board, watercolour, acrylic, egg tempera, ink, etc

aurora dances the lights of night

aurora dances the lights of night

30x20cm watercolour board, watercolour, acrylic, egg tempera, etc

weaving the dance for summer light

weaving the dance for summer light

50x40cm watercolour board, watercolour, acrylic, egg tempera, ink, etc

morning sun dance

morning sun dance

40x30cm board, acrylic, casein, oil

sway to the sultry evening samba

sway to the sultry evening samba

50x40cm watercolour board, watercolour, acrylic, egg tempera, ink pastel, etc

aurora weaves a woodland dance of light

aurora weaves a woodland dance of light

90x70cm box canvas, acrylic, oi, enamel, crystal resin, etc



80x70cm box canvas, acrylic, oil, enamel, resins, etc

moonrise dancer-anousha

moonrise dancer-anousha

90x75cm box canvas, acrylic, oil, enamel, etc

anousha weaves her dance of starlight into her hair

anousha weaves her dance of starlight into her hair

80x60cm box canvas, acrylic, oil, enamel

solstice sundance 9

solstice sundance 9

50x40cm watercolour paper, watercolour, acrylic, casein, pastel, ink, etc

dance for eostre

dance for eostre

35x25 watercolour paper, watercolour, acrylic, pastel, ink, etc

solstice spirit dance

solstice spirit dance

50x40cm pastel paper, pastel, acrylic

i sing the body electric

i sing the body electric

70x60cm box canvas, acrylic, oil, enamel

dance the night electric 3

dance the night electric 3

80x70cm box canvas, acrylic, oil, enamels

dance the body electric 3

dance the body electric 3

50x40cm watercolour board, watercolour, acrylic, casein, pastel

i dance the night electric

i dance the night electric

40x30cm board, acrylic, casein, pastel

winter solstice dance 4

winter solstice dance 4

45x35cm pastel on pastel paper

once in the blue moon dance 3

once in the blue moon dance 3

45x35cm watercolour paper, watercolour, acrylic, pastel

yasmina-dance of mystic vibrations

yasmina-dance of mystic vibrations

80x70cm box canvas, acrylic, oil, enamel, etc

dance of the midnight spirit

dance of the midnight spirit

55x45cm watercolour paper, watercolour, acrylic, pastel

karmic dance

karmic dance

50x40cm board, acrylic, pastel

dance for the raining light

dance for the raining light

30x20cm watercolour paper, watercolour, ink, pastel

evening rainbow dance

evening rainbow dance

90x70cm board, acrylic, pastel

oop bop sh'bam

oop bop sh'bam

150x100cm box canvas, acrylic, oil

rhapsody for aurora

rhapsody for aurora

90x80 box canvas, acrylic, enamel, crystal resin, oil

one day i'll fly away

one day i'll fly away

80x70cm box canvas, acrylic, oil

solstice dance 3

solstice dance 3

60x50cm watercolour paper, watercolour, acrylic, ink, pastel

weaving light into the dance of the arabesque 2

weaving light into the dance of the arabesque 2

70x50cm watercolour paper, watercolour, acrylic, pastel

weaving dance to the rhythm of a rainbow

weaving dance to the rhythm of a rainbow

30x20cm watercolour paper, watercolour, acrylic, pastel

summer solstice dance

summer solstice dance

20x18cm watercolour paper, watercolour, acrylic, pastel

dance to the morning spirit

dance to the morning spirit

50x35cm watercolour paper, watercolour, acrylic, pastel

dance to the night spirit

dance to the night spirit

50x35cm watercolour paper, watercolour, acrylic, paper

luna allure

luna allure

90x80cm box canvas, acrylic, oil

the bewitching dance of the firebird

the bewitching dance of the firebird

45x35cm watercolour paper, watercolour, acrylic, pastel, ink

it's a marvellous night for a moondance

it's a marvellous night for a moondance

100x90cm box canvas acrylic, oil, crystal resin

rainbow in curved air

rainbow in curved air

150x100cm box canvas, acrylic, oil

shaping air 5

shaping air 5

30x20cm watercolour paper, watercolour, acrylic, pastel

dancing dream

dancing dream

80x60cm paper, monoprint

glissando-rhapsody in blue

glissando-rhapsody in blue

150x100cm box canvas, acrylic, oil

karmic dance

karmic dance

80x70cm cradled panel, acrylic, enamel, crystal resin, gold, copper, glass

the firebird

the firebird

100x90cm box canvas, acrylic, oil



50x40cm paper, pastel

touching time-dance

touching time-dance

60x50cm paper, acrylic, pastel

unsquare dance

unsquare dance

40x 30cm paper, ink, pastel

the firebird

the firebird

80x70cm box canvas axrylic

the space between us

the space between us

25x20cm paper, ink, pastel

les sacre du printemps

les sacre du printemps

150x100cm box panel, acrylic, oil



30x20cm paper, pastel

shaping air

shaping air

20x16cm paper, pastel

shaping air 3

shaping air 3

20x16cm paper, pastel

shaping air 4

shaping air 4

20x16cm paper, pastel

shaping air 5

shaping air 5

20x16cm paper, pastel

shaping air 6

shaping air 6

20x16cm paper pastel

dance study

dance study

40x30cm paper, ink, pastel

bebop goes to town - composed and performed by dennis and the beboppers
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commissions similar to these in all media undertaken - contact for further information

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