© dennis parker
The use of any image from this site is prohibited without prior written permission
Please bring -
A3 pad of watercolour paper 300 gsm paper NOT or cold pressed
acrylics -starter pack Daler Rowney or Winsor and Newton
brushes - bristle, small , medium, large, small bristle fan brush
2B pencil and rubber
large palette or plastic plate
small spray bottle
two large water containers
natural sponge
large cotton rag or old t-shirt
A3 (at least) cartridge, watercolour and any other 'toothed' papers
a selection of drawing pencils, from 6H to 6B
carbon and charcoal pencils : soft grades eg 4B, 6B, 8B etc
rubbers, including putty rubber
masking tape
board on which to rest your work (foamboard is ideal - firm and feather light)
Mixed media
acrylics including structure gel
coloured pencils
felt tip pens
pastels: soft and oil
low-odour white spirit
mount spray
sponge and rubber rollers
plastic: 25 x 25 cm approx
coloured string and cotton
coloured tissue paper
bubble wrap
found objects
fabric off-cuts
paper towels
supports: heavy paper / card / board / canvas
paints - titanium white, cadmium / lemon yellow, yellow ochre, ultramarine, permanent rose, quinacridone magenta, burnt umber, terre verte / viridian /sap green / oxide of chromuim
distilled turpentine, or white spirit, or low odour Sansodor
Liquin original gel
large cotton rag
prepared canvas boards (16 x 12" at least)
bristle brushes
plastic bag for discarded cloths and paper (essential because of Health & Safety regulations!)
newspaper for 'tonking'
6B-8B pencil/charcoal
A3 pastel paper (paper to be at least A3 but preferably bigger - A2!) - includng coloured (dark or black) paper
selection of graded pencils - 5H-5B
pastel pencils
chalky pastel sticks
'fan' brush and selection of bristle brushes
torchon or blender
putty and other rubbers
two aperture pencil sharpener
masking tape
cotton wool
wet wipes
Pen & wash
A3 watercolour 140 lb (300 gsm) paper
A3 cartridge paper
waterproof and non-waterproof black ink
nylon brushes including fan brush
selection of graded pencils - 5H-5B
robust dip pen drawing nibs (not calligraphic)
angled colour shaper
masking tape
two large water containers
putty rubber
large cotton rag
cigarette lighter (not matches!)
A3 watercolour 1401b (300 gsm) paper
nylon brushes including fan brush
selection of graded pencils - 5H-5B
two large water containers
putty rubber
masking fluid
angled colour shaper
masking tape
large cotton rag
natural sponge​​
Please also bring
Photos and pictures of the subject matter. Photos to be in close-up from various angles and points of perspective and in various lighting; also from a distance. You could also bring photos or pictures of the background subject matter.
Please also bring actual object, models or toys where possible and applicable, eg real or artifical flowers.